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Gallifrey in 2022


Dearest Gallifrey Family,

I hope you have all had a wonderful holiday season with your friends and family and are enjoying some quiet time before life resumes. These few days before schools and businesses reopen for the new year is my favorite time to reflect on what we have accomplished in the previous year and what new goals to set for the one coming.

I take this thought process quite seriously and as an avid over-thinker I try to foresee all possibilities that would benefit the “herd” over the “horse”. This year, however, I need to choose what will benefit the horse. This horse to be exact. Beginning June 1st, 2022 I have decided to close "Gallifrey Farm, LLC." and keep the farm for my own personal horses, to continue to host educational clinics, and “haul in” lessons.

I have spent the past eight and a half years training, riding, showing, teaching, helping and loving each one of you and your horses. I am so proud of my #TeamGallifrey and the compassionate riders you have blossomed into under my care and while at times it was difficult, heartbreaking or down right felt impossible, I have loved every minute of being with you on your journey. Now is the time for me to embark upon my own and dedicate my riding time into my own potential little stars as I have yours.

BUT, you know me… I can’t just stop. I will continue to teach “haul in” lessons Fridays and Saturdays through the school season and will be open to more days as time goes by and schedules allow. I will continue hosting Cindy Thaxton monthly as long as I can meet the required number of participants and I will, of course, continue to coach you at horse shows. I want to take this gift of time that I have been given and honor my horses with being fully present every day and who knows… maybe 2023 I’ll be bored and look to fill some stalls but for now, I’m ready to take a break from two full time jobs.

I love you all and will continue to give you the quality work you have expected. I am always here for you and your horses, even if we don’t see each other as often as we have in the past.

With love,

Samantha Capoferri

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