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Samantha Capoferri
Professor of Equestrian Studies at Savannah College of Art and Design
USDF Bronze and Silver Medalist - Triple Certified Equestrian at the highest levels - B.A. in Equine Studies - M.S. in Coaching Education

If training has not made the horse more beautiful; nobler in his carriage, more attentive in his behavior, revealing pleasure in his own accomplishments,
then he has not truly been schooled
in Dressage.
-Col. H. Handler
Samantha is an advocate for all horses to experience Dressage.
She seeks to bring out the beauty, elegance and partnership in any breed by using a biomechanical approach for both horse and human.
Her students develop these skills by focusing on an independent seat, leg, and hand first and then utilizing the classical movements for harmony with their horses.

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